Tuesday, June 3

Update: What's News Today

If you know me, you may know that I often use the three magic letters "MPD" quite often these days. I hate to be out of the loop, too, so I thought I'd take a moment and a) tell you what that means and b) ask you to do something about it.

MPD stands for "Ministry Partnership Development". That's a sufficiently vague term that includes this thing that has me saying "Hey you, please give financial support as I travel to Sweden for a whole year" a lot these days.

More importantly (and I'm not just saying that), it encompasses the other part of this team thing. While it would be easy to just say that I'm fundraising, I'm not. Some have called it people-raising; I think that's pretty accurate. I really am working hard to pull together a team of people who are committed to praying for me and really partnering in making this vision of a transformed Sweden a reality. And, it's about developing a true balance: I want to be able to give back to my partners through prayer and updates.

One of the ways that I'll be staying in close contact is through this blog. I'll be posting stories from the field about the students I meet and the messes I know I'll get into, updates on our ministry progress, asking for specific prayer needs for myself, for my team, and for the culture we're engaging together.

I hope that you'll bookmark me (or add me to an RSS/Atom feed, if you're into that sort of thing) and use this as a way to keep me updated on your life, too. Tell me your stories, ask me for prayer, let me encourage you as a co-laborer in Christ. Let's talk.

1 comment:

Ben of BenandJacq said...

hey Maleah. I will definitely be keeping up with you via this blog during the MPD process. Keep plugging away! If you need an extra 'coach,' give Jacqueline or me a call, and we can help!

Ben Meredith